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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
1st May 2024 Issue no. 703

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Up to 50% OFF on selected Genuine Lishi tools

* TL-tools.jpgTradelocks are having a massive and unmissable Genuine Lishi sale! Until Thursday the 20th of October you could get savings of up to 50% on selected tools. Standard Genuine Lishi 3in1 and 2in1 picks and decoders are only £15 + VAT - almost half price!

The Genuine Lishi 3in1 ignition adjusted tool is the result of 12 years hard work; it cannot only pick and decode trunks and doors but also the ignition. Unlike other tools on the market, Genuine Lishi 3in1 tools feature an 'anti-twist support collar' which allows these pick/ decoders to convert from a door tool to an ignition tool in just seconds.

Developed to be stronger, more durable and more effective, these tools keep working without bending or breaking.
Likewise the 2in1 pick and decoder is a favourite auto locksmith tool among professionals around the globe due to its innovative design and the fact it combines 2 commonly used tools in just the one product.

Innovative and proven to work time and time again; these tools are the perfect choice, especially if you are wanting to add to your toolbox, but are on a budget.

Tradelocks patented Nightvision tools are also on offer at the discounted price of just £34.99 + VAT. These tools make light of working in the dark with a unique glowing feature which makes it easy to use in darker conditions.

Nightvision tools come in 2 parts; the tool itself, whether it is 2in1 or 3in1, and then the yellow Nightvision clip. They are unlike standard Genuine Lishi tools as they come with holes in them. Once the clip has been put onto the tool, the light from it can be seen through the holes, improving vision if you're working when it's dark.

Special paint is also applied to the pick arms for an additional glow.

To keep the tool glowing it will need to be recharged. Both the pick arms and clip can be recharged using a light source; so either underneath a UV torch or by being left out in the sun.

Tradelocks Scrappage Scheme
As if these discounts weren't enough, Tradelocks have brought back their scrappage scheme! You can trade in any old key cutting machine and in return you'll get a massive £1250.00 off the price of either a Ninja Laser or a Ninja Vortex machine from Keyline.

Tradelocks accept any old key machine in any condition - so don't miss out! Offers end Thursday the 20th of October.

For more information go to: www.tradelocks.co.uk

19th October 2016

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