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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
1st May 2024 Issue no. 703

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Final weekly reminder about the Exhibition on Saturday

Locksmith_Exhibition_logo.jpgIt's not too late to register - just go to the show website, follow the link at www.lockexpo.co.uk and then register.

Once registered log in, go to - my details - and then download or print your QR code. For colleagues or family you need to separately register them.

Next time we have a fix for that. If you can't be bovverred then register on the door.

Once you have booked into the exhibition - then on Stand A1 you can use your pass to purchase the special show £10 annual magazine subscription by card or cash.

You will need a good look around the exhibition. This year I have accepted a number of 'new start' stands, smaller and designed to give these services a leg up onto the ladder - do look and see what they have - interact with the people on them, many are the inventor, maker or have sourced the products just for you.

We are unique in allowing this type of stand.

As I write this we are at 1200 registrations - who will get the prize? - What Prize? The 1250th visitor to register of course!


PS see you there, please say hello - Oh! and training - some have sold out - have a look on the website.

27th February 2013

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