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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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CLD hosts BRE Attack Testing Day, showcasing perimeter security resilience

* BRE-Attack-Testing-Day.jpgBRE is a globally recognised authority that specialises in testing, certifying and assessing the performance and safety of building products and systems. Through its comprehensive certification programmes, BRE helps manufacturers, designers and building professionals understand the effectiveness of their products.

The event saw several of CLD’s security solutions including the SecurusScreenogril and FenceSafe ranges undergo rigorous testing that simulated high-intensity scenarios, demonstrating their effectiveness and durability.

The demonstration, held in collaboration with BRE, showcased the principles of LPS 1175 Issue 8. It highlighted various attack levels to illustrate the standard and demonstrated compliant solutions in action. 

The event brought together industry experts, security professionals and key stakeholders, offering a unique opportunity to witness live demonstrations of CLD’s catalogue being put to the test against real-world threats, as well as offering insights into the physical security industry.

Roger Knight, Head of New Product Development at CLD said: “With the constant evolution of security, it’s essential that our solutions are thoroughly tested under these conditions, not only to highlight the strength and resilience of our products, but to offer peace of mind for our customers.

 “Hosting the event and gathering together some of our key customers for networking and knowledge sharing was extremely beneficial, and we received excellent feedback and have plans to offer similar events in the future.”

To view a video overview of the event, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOMWALpAeug

To learn more about the benefits of LPS 1175 rated security fencing, visit: https://www.cld-systems.com/2023/06/09/lps-1175-issue-8-explained/

For more information on CLD Systems, please visit: www.cld-systems.com

4th December 2024

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